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Our vision

We want everyone to find freedom and purpose in a community built around Jesus.


We want to be a church where people find freedom in knowing who Jesus is, what he has done, and what he can still do.


We want to be a church where everyone enjoys living for their heavenly Father and using his gifts to serve other people.


We want to be church where the Holy Spirit brings all kinds of people together in Jesus-centred friendships.

A prophetic word for Holy Trinity Weston

Sunday 28 April 2024

"I felt God gave me a picture of a partially completed tapestry. The colours were quite muted but beautifully woven together, reflecting the relationships and the community coming together in the midst of - and despite - trauma, hardship etc. I felt God show me that the rest of the tapestry would be a blaze of colour... "

Helen Collins

Sounds good. Show me your values >