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Infant baptism (also called Christening)

Infant baptism looks forward in faith to a future day when the child being baptised will confirm their personal faith in Jesus.

It’s a symbolic picture of the future hope that all Christian parents have for their children. We baptise babies by sprinkling them with water in church on Sunday mornings. However, if you aren't a committed Christian, or do not believe in the baptism of infants, we can offer a ceremony of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child.

You are also able to choose a minimum of three godparents for your child. Because of the very special role godparents have in supporting your child’s faith journey the Church of England requires godparents to be baptised themselves. If the people who you'd like to be godparents aren't baptised, they may still be able to be involved in the baptism service and of course in your child's life as they grow up.

If you would like your child to be baptised we would love meet you at one of our Sunday services for chat about it or you can contact us directly. In the meantime, here are some FAQs about having your child baptised at Holy Trinity Weston.