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Weston Church Youth Project

Weston Church Youth Project (WCYP) serves the young people of Weston through three distinct but related programmes: fun, faith, and support.

The fun programme offers open access youth clubs, trips and activities which promote community, social skills, and mutual respect. 

The support programme delivers targeted work with local schools, addressing issues affecting attendance, self-worth and behaviour. There is no explicit faith component to the fun and support programmes.

WCYP also offers young people in Weston the opportunity to explore Christianity at the following faith-based groups.



3.15-5pm during term-time
at Holy Trinity Weston
A weekly after-school club for children in school years 3-6 (ages 7-10).
Sessions include free snacks, games, bible teaching, crafts and a tuck shop.
4.15-6pm during term-time
at Holy Trinity Weston
A weekly chill-out space for young people in school years 7-11 (ages 11-16).
Sessions include free snacks, activities, games consoles, a tuck shop and an optional chat about the Christian faith (which also includes food!).
The Venue
at the Hope Centre, Drayton Close, Weston SO19 9JN
A weekly chill out space for young people aged 15-18 (Year 11+).
There's PS5, Nintendo Switch, a pool table, table tennis and other stuff.
There’s usually free pizza and hot drinks. 

For more information about the work of WCYP visit their website.